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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Warm Dripping Springlike Day

What a beautiful day outside today! It feels warm. There are puddles at the end of the driveway. Every roof is dripping melted snow. The sun actually feels hot on my cheeks as I angle my face upwards.

The walk to the mailbox was indeed a pleasure-never mind the bills. On the way, I heard a strange sound, almost like the drill of a woodpecker. So, I walked past my mailbox in an attempt to spy the source.

Two houses down and there he was, one lone rather large black bird at the very top of the tallest tree in the neighborhood, crouched on a bare branch. It was almost as if he was bent over laughing at me, but maybe he was enjoying the spring-like weather as much as I was.

I think it was a crow, but I have never heard a crow sound like that before. Usually, a crow makes a harsh cawing sound, and I am used to them being in groups. Upon returning home, I got out my audio CD of the Birds of Minnesota to listen to the recordings of crows, ravens and grackles. However, I am still not sure as I am just learning and starting to pay attention.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sun Travel

I am sitting here inside looking out the window as the sun is sinking to the horizon, and I am noticing that the spot it is hitting has moved quite a bit to the north. It was setting at the midway point on the roof line of the green house across the street. Now, it is setting on the roof of the brown house, the next house to the north--not quite halfway yet, but it gives me hope to see the progress.

Also, we have to position the kitchen chair for the cat (to catch her rays while napping) closer to the back door to stay in the sunspot. Before, the sun was so low at midday coming in the back door window from the south, that the chair had to be placed way across the room.

Indeed, this causes anticipation of Spring. It is coming!!! Longer, brighter days are ahead. Yes!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The weather is absolutely dreadful today. It is so dark and dreary. It was dark and rainy yesterday too. Yes, that is right--February rain. Overnight, the 2 inches of solid glare ice accumulated in my driveway is gone. It did not even go below freezing last night. And broad patches of brown grass has appeared in my yard. But today the wind won't quit, sustained at 20 mph with gusts frequently up to 45 mph. A metallic howling sound echoes down the fireplace chimney into the living room. It set the squirrels a running. Must have been about 20 of them intent on escaping to safer quarters. I watched as one after the other descended the giant old oak tree at the corner of my house, each taking the exact same path with fearful purpose on their little faces, landing with a thud onto the roof. From inside I could track the scrambling noises made diagonally to the other corner of the house, where I assumed they sought the perhaps more secure boughs of the big evergreen. This is the kind of day that just puts everyone on edge. I am looking forward to seeing the sun shine again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Dust

We just had 1/2-inch of snow overnight, the featherweight fluffy kind. I positioned myself behind the garage in my secret, private spot to greet the sun rising. The breeze came up nearly imperceptibly at first, except for the sparkly snow dust it sent cascading off the branches. The dust ever so softly brushed my cheeks. We are in the upswing of a warming trend. The temperature is to hit the freezing mark in 2 days, so says the weatherman. But the animals seem to sense it. I observe the animal world waking up. First the squirrels. One silently traverses the top of the backyard fence and maneuvers the right angle at the corner to come closer. As a motionless sentry guard he eyes me the whole time I am present. On the opposite side of the yard and atop my big old oak tree, one of his kin moves in a ghostly manner across the stout, far-reaching branch to the very top of the adjoining evergreen tree, from which he hops over to a branch of the neighbor's tree. They do not make a sound this early in the morn, and yet all is not silent. I begin to pick up on little bird chirps and the very distant drill of a woodpecker. The breeze gradually strengthens to rustle the dried oak leaves that remain firmly attached through winter 'til new spring growth pushes them free. Aah yes, spring will be here soon. I return indoors, once again gently reassured and calmed by the nature around me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Spring in the air at 22 below?

My surprise knew no bounds as I crossed my back door threshold into the great outdoors. I just did not expect it--that in the middle of performing the weekly drudgery in setting the trash at the curb for pickup, I would be treated to a delight of the senses. I stop short on the stoop. The sun is fiercely bright. According to the radio, we are still in a wind chill WARNING until noon today. Hundreds of schools across Minnesota are either closed or 2 hours late. Wind chills were 50 below zero range yesterday morning. (Trust me. That is mighty cold.)

I just did not expect it. And yet clear and distinct were the courting calls of the cardinals. “Tweet, tweet” back and forth they go, two of them, one near and one a bit distant. The one near calls out with an almost immediate reply back from the other somewhere farther. I try to find them but am unable to spy in the treetops for the blinding sun just coming up over the neighborhood roofs. I gradually become aware of all kinds of critter activity. Other birds are chattering away and flitting about. Three squirrels emerge one by one out of the hole in the giant oak out back. (I do not know how they all fit in there. I once took a stick to test the depth. The hollow inside did not seem so roomy.) This is January? Yes, indeed! And the wildlife seems to inherently know that a thaw is on the way, just as the weatherman predicts middle 30’s by middle of next week.

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